Where we work
The Urban Foundation, Inc. serves youths age 16 - 24 years. Our program specifically aimed to deliver opportunities, curriculum and life foundations to youth that reside in low income/low resource areas. The primary area is Southeast Columbus with a secondary focus on the greater Franklin County area.
Youth-focused and lead workshops covering topics such as police and community relations, educational relations and anti-drug use.
my pathways program
Focuses on financial literacy, mentoring and career services for youth 16 to 24 in Columbus
our focus
The Urban Foundation was created to address the needs of youth through Franklin County and has served the residents of Franklin County since 2016. Our Vision is to be the leading youth-serving organization where all youth are thriving with endless possibilities in Franklin County. Our Mission is to transform communities through Collaboration, Research and Self Advocacy with young adults. Our Values are a commitment to the community, innovation & creativity, fiscal responsibility, collaboration, excellence and service to youth and young adults.